• How to generate a new Player

    Generating a new Streamerr Player is very straightforward  – this article will walk you through the process. First, head to Player, here. Log in using the same credentials you would use to log into our website (streamerr.co). Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be on the ‘Players’ page – click the…

  • Enabling SSL for MSCP

    Enabling SSL support on your MSCP stream is a fairly straightforward process – this guide will walk you through doing this. First, click the ‘Config’ button at the bottom of the ‘Stream Server’ box on the main page of MSCP. On the ‘General Settings’ page, set the ‘Port +2 (:8002)…

  • Broadcasting live

    The correct connection information and encoder configuration settings to use to broadcast live is different depending on if you are using ShoutCast or IceCast as your stream server – in this article, we will explain how to broadcast live for both. Please note, all of the connection settings found here,…

  • Creating a Broadcast Control User (DJ account)

    In order to broadcast live to your MSCP service, you’ll need to create a Broadcast Control User, also known as a DJ account. This guide will walk you through the process. First, click the ‘Manage Users’ icon at the bottom of the ‘Broadcast Control Users’ box on the main page….

  • How to create and edit mount points

    Creating new mount points and editing existing mount points in MSCP is very straightforward. This guide will walk you through the process. Please make sure that your streaming server is stopped before making any changes to existing mount points, or creating new ones! Once you’ve stopped your server, head to…

  • Creating and uploading M3U playlists

    MSCP supports playlisting through the use of M3U files that you can upload directly to your station via the FTP page. This guide will walk you through exactly how to create and upload these M3U files. Please note that any media you wish to include in your M3U files will…

  • Changing your stream name, genre, description or website (AutoDJ)

    Your streaming server’s status page will display various information about your stream that you can configure in MSCP. This guide will show you how to change the information that is displayed. Please note that this is only for mount points or streams where an AutoDJ is enabled and broadcasting! Please…

  • Changing your AutoDJ software

    MSCP supports Ices, SC Trans, LiquidSoap, SAM Broadcaster (Classic, Pro, Studio), RadioBOSS, and Music Player Daemon for your streaming server’s AutoDJ software. This guide will show you how to change the AutoDJ to your desired choice! Please make sure that your streaming server and AutoDJ service are both stopped before…

  • Uploading your music

    Uploading your music to your MSCP service is a fairly straightforward process. MSCP uses it’s own FTP software that can be used directly in your web browser, removing the need for specialised software. This guide will show you how to upload your music using this method. First, click the ‘FTP…

  • How to change the streaming server in MSCP

    MSCP supports IceCast V2, IceCast KH, ShoutCast V2, SteamCast and RSAS, making it a very versatile control panel. This guide will show you how to change the streaming server that your MSCP service is using. Please make sure that your streaming server is stopped before making this change! Once you’ve…