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iOS Apps: Grant access to your App Store Connect account

So, you’ve ordered a shiny new iOS app for your station – we can’t wait to get started! We’ll need to communicate with Apple directly via your own developer account in order to get your app uploaded, reviewed & published. You can grant access to Streamerr, rather than sharing your password, and we’re going to show you how!

    1. Login to App Store Connect as the main account owner.
    2. Find the ‘Users and Access’ section, and head to the People tab.
    3. Click the ‘plus’ icon to add a new user to your account. Fill out the form, ensuring you grant access to the following email address: dev@unmuted.ltd
    4. Under ‘roles’, ensure you select Admin, so we can access what we need to get your app live!


Click ‘Invite’ and you’re all done! We’ll then get access to your Apple Developer account and can now upload your app. Once it’s through the review process, you can feel free to remove our access, though we’ll need this if we ever need to push any native updates for your app.

Updated on June 19, 2022
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