Creating Your Shows

Unlike autoDJ software, LibreTime is built around Shows, shows can be made up of tracks, playlists or a combination of both. To create a new show, navigate to the “calendar” on the left side menu. You will then see the “new show” option in blue on the top left of the screen. 

Note that only programme managers and Admins can create new shows, if you notice this option isn’t displaying you may be logged in as a DJ. Please see the users section for more information.

You have a few options when creating shows, the bare minimum being the show name and the scheduled time slot.

Other options include the URL, Genre and description fields, which are used within the LibreTime panel for organizational purposes. 

You also have the option to schedule repeats for a show, which will show up on the calendar, you can alter the colour it is shown in under “style”.

If you have other users who also use your station, you can assign a show to them with the “who” option, for more details about user accounts, see the “user types” section below. 

Other options in the Show creator are more advanced, and will be covered in more detail later on, these include “autoloading playlist” and “Live Stream Input”.

Updated on August 18, 2021
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