We accept all major credit and debit cards such as Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, Discover, etc. We also accept PayPal.
What currencies do you accept?
You can pay in British Pounds (GBP), US Dollars (USD) and Euros (EUR). We will update the price daily to reflect the current exchange rate. There are no additional fees associated with currency.
Can I change my currency?
Yes! Simply ask our friendly support team to change the currency on your account.
Can I setup automatic payments?
We understand that paying is not always at the top of your priority list, as you’re busy growing your station. However, keeping your station on air is vitally important to you. We support regular automatic payments via our credit/debt card provider, Stripe.
My card is being declined when trying to make a payment?
Firstly, it may sound obvious, but ensure that there are funds available on the card to make payment. If that fails, you can contact your bank to see if there are any restrictions on your account. Failing that, simply contact our friendly support team who can investigate further.
Can I remove my card details?
Of course! If you want to remove your card you can do this in the Client Area under Billing -> Manage Credit Card. This page will allow you to save a new credit or debit card or to delete your existing one.
Can I add funds to my account as “credit”?
In the Client Area you can add funds to your account. These will be credited on your account like a “pay to go” plan and used to auto-pay all future invoices (note: if you have invoices open the funds will not cover those).
Can I suggest a payment method?
We review our payment methods on a regular basis to ensure we are offering clients the most convenient ways to pay. However, if you’re aware of a new payment processor that you think we should be working with, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our support team.