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  4. How do I broadcast live with EverestCast?

How do I broadcast live with EverestCast?

Firstly, ensure you have the correct encoding software for your requirements.

An encoder captures audio from your line-in, microphone or any audio being played over your sound device and then encodes this audio in real-time to be streamed over the internet to listeners across the world.

Encoders will allow you to broadcast your live audio source to the server, which will then be heard by your listeners. The automated switch features allow you to switch from autoDJ to Live without any manual intervention.

Step 1:
Login in to EverestCast using your username and password.

Step 2:
From the main navigation section, Click on “DJ”. Click on “Add DJ” button. In this page Browse the DJ Image, type the DJ name, check “Active”, insert password and click on “Add DJ”.

You redirect to the DJ Management Page and you see the newly created DJ details in List.

Step 3:
From the DJ List Click on “Edit” Button and you get the Connection parameters. Use the same connection Parameters in your Encoding Software.


Updated on March 7, 2023
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